International Summer School is over


«Designing and exploring the future». This was the title of the International Summer School organized at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, reports Delovoy Kazakhstan.

Teachers attended the event, initiated by the Higher School of Pedagogy and Psychology, from universities and schools in Kazakhstan and Russia. Schoolchildren also took part in the summer school and presented their projects.

Women’s University and the participants of the university’s internal project «Formation of Elementary School Teachers’ Skills in Teaching Research (Project) Activities of Elementary School Students supported the summer school.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Deputy Dean for Research and Innovation of the Higher School of Pedagogy and Psychology A. Kariev, candidate of pedagogical sciences T. Bainazarova, teacher of Gorno-Altaisk State University of Russia N. Kergilova, teacher of Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University Y. Ryumina, teacher of grammar school №27 of Almaty E. Yumshanova and other educators participated and shared important information.

During the summer school, universities and schoolteachers exchanged experiences and recommendations to support students' research work. Russian and Kazakh language teachers also presented research projects in the social and creative spheres.

At the end of the event, the best projects were awarded special diplomas.

The winners of diplomas of I degree:

Aya Amangeldy studies at general education school №85 in Shymkent;

Timur Baluev – pupil of the musical boarding school for gifted children of Pavlodar;

Ulyana Arevyeva studies at Lyceum No. 23 in Russia.

The winners of diplomas of II degree:

Alyona Kobylinskaya – student of Lyceum № 23 of Russia;

Luiza Ruditsa – student of musical boarding school for gifted children of Pavlodar.

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