Manshuk Mametova: machine gunner, hero, legend of the Great Patriotic War


Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov laid flowers at the monument to Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova and observed a minute of silence in memory of Kazakhstani soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, reports.

The event, timed to coincide with Victory Day, was held in the Akzhaiyk park in the city of Astana.

The legendary machine-gunner Manshuk Mametova during student years combined study at the Medical Institute and work in secretariat of Sovnarkom of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. In August 1942 she volunteered to the front. She fought as a part of the 21st infantry division and 100th infantry brigade. She received a rank of the senior sergeant, was the commander of a machine-gun unit.

Manshuk Mametova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for participation in the battle of Nevel in October 1943 (posthumously).

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