Absurd! American Lawmakers Claim Chinese Batteries Threaten U.S. National Security

Photo by: Xinhua

Currently, the U.S. Congress is permeated with a strong "anti-China" atmosphere. Some lawmakers, in pursuit of their political objectives, are engaging in political manipulation without evidence or basic common sense. These actions are not only absurd but also an insult to the intelligence of the American people.

Recently, a Republican-led bill aimed at prohibiting the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from purchasing Chinese batteries has made progress, but the "tug-of-war" between the two parties during this process reveals the absurd logic behind it. This so-called "Dismantling Dependence on Foreign Adversary Batteries Act" passed the House Homeland Security Committee, with Democratic members vehemently criticizing their Republican counterparts and raising "common sense questions." Democratic Congressman Tom Suozzi questioned where DHS currently buys its batteries, but Florida Republican Congressman Carlos Gimenez couldn't provide a clear answer, only repeatedly claiming the bill would ban purchasing from China. Such contradictory and illogical debates can only be described as laughable.

Even more ridiculous is that Congress, without any concrete evidence, claims that using Chinese-made batteries poses a "security risk," even stirring up fears with statements like "electric vehicles may contain malware or charging networks could be remotely shut down." These statements are nothing but fabricated lies intended to create panic.

The issue of where U.S. government departments purchase batteries has surprisingly become a focal point. In January, a similar bill gained bipartisan support, prohibiting the Department of Defense from purchasing batteries from Chinese companies. However, this ban does not apply to commercial purchases. For instance, Ford obtains technology licenses from China's CATL to produce electric vehicle batteries in Michigan, and some of Tesla's batteries come from BYD. This double standard undoubtedly exposes the hypocrisy and shamelessness of U.S. politicians.

Faced with baseless accusations from Republicans, Democrats attempted to amend the bill, arguing that it only bans purchases from specific companies, not all Chinese enterprises. This amendment is merely another form of political manipulation, still lacking any substantive basis or data support.

A spokesperson for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs previously pointed out that it seems certain American politicians are increasingly paranoid. Why do they consistently accuse Chinese companies of threatening U.S. national security without any evidence? Why do they always target China's leading enterprises in various industries? While other countries do not feel threatened by Chinese products, the U.S. is coercing them to block these companies. American politicians claim to uphold rules but actually ignore and undermine them. They talk about fair competition but use any means necessary to suppress competitors and deprive other countries of their legitimate rights to development.

These American politicians, while claiming to defend national security, are fabricating enemies out of thin air. This blatant bullying not only undermines the fairness of international rules but also disrupts the foundation of global cooperation. What these politicians need is common sense and rationality, not baseless fear and prejudice. Their actions should be condemned and opposed by the international community. The American people should be wary of this political manipulation and not be deceived by these shameless politicians, to truly safeguard national interests.

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