Astana hosted a round table on national threats to the EU and Kazakhstan

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Roundtable on transnational threats affecting the EU and Kazakhstan took place in Astana, reports.

The European Union Delegation in Astana, together with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with the support of the Kazakh Government successfully hosted a pivotal roundtable addressing critical transnational threats that impact both the EU and Kazakhstan. The event brought together over 70 experts, government officials, and international representatives to engage in a dynamic dialogue focused on terrorism, human trafficking, migrant smuggling, and other pressing security concerns.

With high-level participation from EU and Kazakh authorities, the participants specifically focused on the link between international extremism, terrorism, border protection, critical infrastructure, migrant smuggling and human trafficking, drug trafficking and arms trafficking.

Experts from both sides highlighted an elevated level of cooperation between the EU and Kazakhstan and shared opinion and experience on enhancing joint responses to these complex threats.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Roman Vassilenko welcomed the participants and said: “Transnational threats show no respect for borders or national sovereignty. Whether it’s cyberattacks, organized crime, terrorism, trafficking in persons or illegal migration, no country is immune from these global challenges. To date, Astana has ratified all 19 UN universal counter-terrorism conventions and protocols and actively engages with the international community, including the European Union.”

EU Ambassador Aleska Simkic praised the event as a major step forward in EU-Kazakhstan security relations, noting that “Today’s global security threats are neither confined by borders nor limited to single regions; they affect us all, underscoring the need for a united and coordinated response. The European Union and Kazakhstan are bound by shared interests and mutual challenges—whether addressing extremism, human trafficking, or organised crime. This roundtable offers an essential platform for exchanging insights and best practices, strengthening our common security and resilience, and creating better coordination between actions that both sides are already implementing. By working together, we build not only a safer Central Asia and Europe but also contribute to broader regional stability and peace”.

Dutch Ambassador Nico Schermers underlined that ”only by working together and learning from each other’s perspectives and insights we can tackle transnational threats affecting the European Union and Kazakhstan. I am certain that this Roundtable will open new doors and opportunities for further multilateral and bilateral cooperation.”

As the discussions drew to a close, participants shared key lessons learned and called for continued expert-level dialogues to further enhance cross-border collaboration. With a renewed commitment to tackling terrorism, trafficking, and organized crime, the EU and Kazakhstan have laid the groundwork for deeper, more effective cooperation in the months and years ahead.

This roundtable marks an important milestone in the ongoing EU-Central Asia cooperation, as both regions reaffirm their commitment to tackling transnational threats with a united front and is planned to become an annual platform to discuss and address the international security issues.

Бұл іс-шара ЕО мен Орталық Азия арасындағы жалғасып келе жатқан ынтымақтастықтың маңызды кезеңі болып табылады, өйткені екі өңір трансұлттық қауіп-қатерлерге біртұтас майданмен күресуге бейілділігін растайды. Бұл дөңгелек үстел халықаралық қауіпсіздік мәселелерін талқылау және шешу үшін жыл сайынғы алаңға айналады деп жоспарлануда.

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