Anniversary Exhibition of the APK: Kazakhstan’s Model of Interethnic Harmony

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The exhibition "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan: 30 Years of Unity and Accord," dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (APK), was opened at the Presidential Center of the Department of Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reports.

The event aims to showcase visually the history of the APK’s formation and development, its role and significance in advancing people’s diplomacy and interfaith relations, and its contribution to strengthening interethnic harmony and consolidating society in Kazakhstan.

The exhibition features nearly 100 items from the archival, library, and museum collections of the Presidential Center of Kazakhstan.

The event, organized by the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and the Presidential Center of the DPA RK, was attended by members of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, representatives of ethnic-cultural associations, and relevant government agencies.

"This year is particularly significant for the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Since the beginning of the year, a series of anniversary events have been held across the country, each aimed at strengthening unity and harmony in our society. The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan has become a guarantor of interethnic peace and stability. At present, every condition has been created for the growth of interethnic understanding, with national unity standing as the primary value. The Assembly is an example of successful interethnic interaction, recognized on the international stage. The global community highly values the Kazakhstani model of harmony and stability, viewing it as an example of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect. This is our collective achievement – the achievement of the people who cherish friendship, unity, and understanding. Our main task is to preserve and pass these values on to future generations"  Marat Azilkhanov, Deputy Chair of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and Head of the APK Secretariat at the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in his speech

"Today, the Assembly has become a true symbol of the Kazakhstani model of interethnic and interfaith harmony, which can be expressed by the formula 'Unity in Diversity.' Thanks to it, broad opportunities have been created in our country for the development of the culture, languages, and traditions of all ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan. There are over 130 such groups. In turn, President K.K. Tokayev, speaking at the 32nd session of the APK, noted: 'Kazakhstan is a large, united nation; we can say it’s a team where every ethnic group contributes its invaluable share to strengthening friendship, harmony, and accord.' In today’s exhibition, we have tried to reflect the key moments of the glorious history of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and, more broadly, the history of our country through the lens of interethnic relations" Bakytzhan Temirbolat, Director of the Presidential Center of Kazakhstan

Meanwhile, Senate Deputy of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, Altynbek Nukhuly, spoke about the history of the formation and development of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and highlighted the APK’s role in strengthening public and interethnic harmony within Kazakhstani society.

It is worth noting that the exhibition consists of two sections and contains the most complete, organized collection of materials that allow us to trace the flourishing of the Assembly’s idea as a major achievement of our country's Independence:

  1. The section "History of the Development of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" presents the formation and development of the APK through archival and museum materials from the Presidential Center of Kazakhstan, which illuminate its initiatives in preserving interethnic harmony and strengthening the unity of the people of Kazakhstan."
  2. In the section "Guarantor of Interethnic and Nationwide Accord," the development and strengthening of the idea of unity and harmony on the platform of the APK are showcased, operating on the principles of aligning interests and fostering positive interaction among representatives of various ethnic groups living in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The opening ceremony of the thematic exhibitions was attended by representatives of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, ethnic-cultural associations, relevant government agencies, and deputies of both chambers of the Parliament of the country.

The exhibition will run until March 25, 2025.

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