Senators Discuss the Main Lines of the Chamber's Work


Today, a meeting of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held chaired by Maulen Ashimbayev. Addressing the deputies, the Speaker of the Chamber noted that at the opening of the next session of the Parliament, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev outlined the priority development fields of the country in the Address he voiced. According to the Speaker of the Senate, the Head of State paid special attention to the development of the social sphere, Delovoy Kazakhstan reports.

Photo by: Е. Ukibayev

"At the initiative of the President of the country, the minimum wage will be increased from next year. This decision will certainly improve the well-being of more than a million Kazakhstanis. In addition, until 2025, the wages of state employees will grow by 20 percent annually. This measure covers employees of the sphere of culture and archives, jaegers, as well as other specialists of the public sector," Maulen Ashimbayev said.

The Speaker of the Senate stressed the importance of the instructions voiced by the President of the country to solve the urgent problems of Kazakhstanis related to the provision of drinking water, housing, pasture lands, support for health and education systems and business. In this regard, he stressed that all these measures require important legislative changes.

"By the end of the year, we must adopt additional legislative amendments that provide for the effective use of the National Fund and the budget. In addition, legislative decisions will be taken for the further development and support of the scientific sphere, the effective use of assets, the development of agglomerations," Maulen Ashimbayev added.

The Chairman of the Chamber stressed that in the future, the Senate will carry out systematic and comprehensive work on legislative support of the priorities outlined in the Address. Based on this, the deputies of the Chamber intend to continue close and active work with the expert community, public institutions and other interested parties. This is important for the further implementation of the reforms announced by the President of the country.

"The main goal of political reforms is to ensure the participation of citizens in decision-making processes at the central and local levels. The Head of State noted that when allocating deputy's seats, it is necessary to provide a special quota for citizens with special needs. In general, we perceive the current Address as a concrete response to the public's requests for upcoming reforms," the Senate Speaker said.

In addition, during the opening of the session, Maulen Ashimbayev also focused on the work of senators in the regions during the parliamentary recess, aimed at solving urgent problems of citizens.

"You visited the regions during the parliamentary recess, held meetings with the population, prominent representatives of the public and local authorities. The issues raised at these meetings should also be taken into account in the work of the Chamber," Maulen Ashimbayev said.

At the first meeting of the session, the senators considered and adopted Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Ratification of the Protocol on Introduction of Amendments to Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union Dated May 29, 2014 in Connection with the Accession of the Kyrgyz Republic Thereto".

"The adopted amendments are aimed at solving certain issues of electricity supply between the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. We hope that in the future these amendments will contribute to the efficient use of electricity within the organization," the Speaker of the Senate said.

During the meeting, the senators also voiced their deputy inquiries. Thus, Ali Bektayev spoke about the shortage of agricultural land; Baktybay Chelpekov voiced problems during the construction of the Beyneu-Shalkar highway. Senators Askar Shakirov and Lyazzat Suleymen raised housing issues; Dana Nurzhigitova expressed concern about the problem of training school psychologists; and Alimzhan Kurtayev asked to pay more attention to the work on the restoration of the ancient city of Otrar.

In addition, at the meeting of the Chamber, the deputies of the Senate decided to transfer their one-day salary to the Zhambyl region explosion relief fund.

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