How elections go. Museum lesson for schoolchildren


Today, in the Library of Elbasy for students of the No. 10 gymnasium-school named after Zh.Tashenov a lesson on the topic "The electoral system in the Republic of Kazakhstan" was held, Delovoy Kazakhstan reports.

It is noteworthy that the event was held in the historical building of the first residence of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy N.A.Nazarbayev, where one of the buildings of the Elbasy Library Museum is now located.


In the course of an unusual lesson dedicated to the most important political event of the country – the election of the President of Kazakhstan, students learned about the peculiarities of the electoral system and the election campaign of our country. In order to consolidate the knowledge gained, practical training sessions were held, and archival documents, photographs, videos and unique authentic items used at the inauguration ceremony allowed the further study of the subject.


– Thanks to our history teacher, we visited the Museum of the First President for the first time today. I really liked the warm welcome and hospitality of the museum staff. I want to thank them sincerely for their lesson, for their individual approach to each of us, for answering all our questions. The museum lesson was very interesting and informative, besides we got not only new information but also were able to demonstrate our abilities during training. Today was a special day for me," Kalima Toleutayeva, a student of the 10th grade, said at the end of the lesson.

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