The Senate to consider the bill on amnesty

Photo by: E. Ukibayev

A session of the Bureau took place under the chairmanship of Speaker of the House Maulen Ashimbayev, at which deputies approved the issues proposed for consideration at the forthcoming meeting of the Senate, Delovoy Kazakhstan reports.

The agenda of the Senate meeting includes the discussion of the bill “On Amnesty in connection with the thirtieth anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The bill has been drafted as a one-time act of humanity of a criminal-legal nature. The document is aimed at exempting from criminal liability persons who have committed crimes that do not pose a serious threat to the security of citizens and the state. The amnesty does not apply to persons who have committed dangerous, grave, or especially grave crimes, as well as terrorist and extremist ones. 

The agenda will also include the consideration of the bill “On Making Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Visual Information and Religious Activity”, which is meant to improve procedures for registration, placement of visual information, simplify the creation and registration of religious associations, as well as create favorable conditions for interfaith interaction.

In addition, the bills previously received from the Mazhilis were distributed at the meeting of the Bureau between the Senate Committees for further work.    

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