Kazakhstan and the EU have checked the clock on strategic issues of cooperation

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Current Issues of Cooperation with European Countries Discussed at Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry, DKnews.kz reports

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Roman Vassilenko received the newly appointed heads of diplomatic missions of the European Union Aleška Simkić, France Sylvain Guiaugué and Poland Michal Labenda in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During the conversation, the parties compare notes on key issues of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, paying special attention to upcoming visits and joint events, including in the areas of inter-parliamentary cooperation, transport, mobility, agriculture, education, trade and investment.

Deputy Minister Vassilenko noted the high level of relations between Kazakhstan and the European Union within the framework of the implementation of the Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between Kazakhstan and the EU, in the “Central Asia – EU” format, as well as with major EU member states represented by France and Poland.

During the meeting with the Ambassador of France Guiaugué such promising areas of bilateral cooperation as energy, healthcare, education, economics, investments, as well as the fight against global warming were discussed. It was noted that the high level of dynamics of reciprocal visits with the aim of implementing bilateral agreements reached at the highest level was maintained.

During the meeting with the Chargé d’Affaires of Poland in Kazakhstan Michal Labenda, the parties noted the positive dynamics of the development of bilateral relations at the governmental level, foreign policy bodies, regions and business circles.

The interlocutors discussed prospects for deepening the partnership, confirming their readiness to strengthen ties and expand trade and investment cooperation, while emphasizing the important role of the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation.

Concluding the meeting, Deputy Minister Vassilenko wished the newly appointed heads of missions a successful work in Kazakhstan. In their turn, the European diplomats highly appreciated the dynamics of development of bilateral relations and expressed their readiness to further develop the interaction in line with strategic partnership between the parties.

The European Union is the main trade and investment partner of Kazakhstan. The EU accounts for more than 30% of Kazakhstan’s foreign trade and foreign investment. The trade turnover between Kazakhstan and the EU in 2023 amounted to $41.4 billion, exports – $31 billion, imports – $10.4 billion. This indicator for January-July 2024 amounted to $27.9 billion, which is 19.2% higher than for the same period of the previous year ($23.4 billion). Exports increased by 23.8% and amounted to $21.6 billion. Imports increased by 5.8% and amounted to $6.3 billion. The volume of European investments in the economy of Kazakhstan since 2005 amounted to $180 billion.

France is an important economic partner and one of the largest foreign investors, having invested more than $ 19 billion in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The trade turnover between Kazakhstan and France in 2023 amounted to $4.2 billion (exports – $ 3 billion, imports – $ 1.2 billion), which is 7.7% higher than in the previous year. In January-July 2024, the trade turnover increased by 41.2% compared to the same period last year and amounted to $3.530 billion (exports – $2.387 billion, imports – $1.143 million).

Poland is one of the leading foreign economic partners of Kazakhstan in Central and Eastern Europe. The trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Poland amounted to $1.23 billion in 2023, including exports – $598.0 million, imports – $698.9 million. For January-July 2024 – $646.6 million. The volume of Polish investments in the economy of Kazakhstan since 2005 amounted to $447 million.

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