Amandyk Batalov delivered a leadership lecture


The Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi hosted a leadership lecture by Amandyk Batalov, a statesman and political figure, ex-akim of Almaty region on "Education of leadership qualities and patriotic feelings among youth", Delovoy Kazakhstan reports.

State and public figures Karim Kokrekbaev, Alikhan Toibaev, Turarbek Asanov and Serik Baybatyrov attended the event as guests of honour.

During the visit, the guests of honour visited the museum and familiarised themselves with the results of renovation works. In particular, they visited the refurbished classrooms and renovated classrooms.

Also Zhanseit Tuimebayev acquainted the guests with further plans for construction works to be carried out on the campus. 

Rector of the University Zhanseit Tuimebayev opened the leadership lecture with a welcoming speech. During his speech, the head of the university noted that Amandyk Gabbasovich has proved himself as a highly qualified specialist, a professional in his field during his work in different spheres.

"Amandyk Batalov started his career in the construction industry. He participated in construction of many buildings of the country. He also contributed to the construction of the Kazakh National University. Amandyk Gabbasovich took an active part in the cultural life of the society, was the Akim of Almaty region and brought the region to a new level of development.

New industrial, cultural and sport complexes were created in the region. In whatever field he worked, Amandyk Batalov proved himself as a professional, good organiser and qualified leader," said Zhanseit Tuimebayev.

At the end of his speech the head of the university awarded Amandyk Gabbasovich the title of Honorary Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

During the lecture the famous builder, statesman and politician shared his experience with young people. Amandyk Batalov told students in detail about his work.

"Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has a special place in my heart. Because I myself was involved in the construction of the higher education institution. I'm very happy to meet with you today. You, the youth, are the future of our country. During my tenure as Akim of Almaty oblast, I worked hard to create a good environment for young people. I worked on creation and increase of cultural, historical and sport objects. I wanted our young people to have an opportunity to play sports", said Amandyk Gabbasovich.

At the end of the lecture, listeners asked questions and shared their views.

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