Tallinn Central Library Holds a Collection of Kazakh Literature Books


Within expansion of cultural ties between Kazakhstan and Estonia, the Embassy of Kazakhstan, in cooperation with the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, delivered a collection of books from Kazakh authors to the Tallinn Central Library so it could open a section of Kazakh literature, Delovoy Kazakhstan reports.

During the meeting, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan Nurlan Seitimov highlighted the current trends in recent developments in Kazakhstan and introduced the main directions of the country's cultural heritage revival.

In turn, the representative of the library Nadezhda Gerjak welcomed the development of cooperation in the field of culture between the countries and shared her expectations from the acquaintance of Estonian readers with the literature of Kazakhstan. “Estonians have not lost ties with Kazakhstan and have always followed news from this country with interest. I am sure that they will appreciate the novelties offered by the library,” she noted.

The parties agreed to continue cooperation by regularly updating the list of works by Kazakh authors.

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