Unity and accord as a conceptual component of the President’s State of the Nation Addresses

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Unity and accord have always been an enduring value of humanity. The ways and methods of its cultivation have been studied for centuries, but these categories never lose their indisputable significance due to the fact, that they are key factors in the stable and sustainable development of any state. The development of the global world that creates new challenges at the world level and the trends of intensifying intercultural ties further actualize the importance of unity.

The Republic of Kazakhstan, where over 120 ethnic groups live, always puts the issue of unity at the forefront. This concept is always present in the key program document of the year – the President’s State of the Nation Address. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the need to strengthen unity and accord was also emphasized by the first President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev from the first days of independence. By the will of fate, dramatic and sometimes heart-shaking events, hundreds of thousands of representatives of various ethnic groups found themselves on the land of Kazakhstan. Living a common history here, the people of Kazakhstan learned to perceive the principle of unity and harmony in society as an unshakable brand of “domestic production”.

K. Tokayev emphasized this in his State of the Nation Address “Just Kazakhstan: Law and Order, Economic Growth, Social Optimism” on September 2, 2024, “Openness and tolerance have always been distinctive traits of our national character. These qualities largely underpin the unity and accord – key values of our people.”

The policy of unity in Kazakhstan is based on a combination of socio-economic reforms, improvement of the citizen’s standard of living and maintaining interethnic peace.

These postulates were clearly voiced at the XXXII session of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan “Just Kazakhstan: Unity, Stability, Development”: “Without unity and stability, political and economic reforms cannot be implemented. Of course, this is the right judgment. However, unity is not only the path to our goal, but also one of the main pillars of our statehood. The independence and territorial integrity of our country are above all else. The unity of the people is inextricably linked with these unshakable values. This is the only way we can build our bright future.”

The President of Kazakhstan firmly believes that peace and harmony should be perceived not only as a state ideology, but also as an integral part of our social and personal life, and work. The principles cultivated by the President in Kazakhstani society: “Unity in diversity”, “We are different, but we are united”. These are not slogans, but the very essence of our daily life.

It is quite appropriate to cite here the statement of the great al-Farabi, who noted, “Society is united by love, lives by justice, survives by honest work”. Through the centuries, the relevance of human aspirations for a fair and creative society do not lose their significance. The concept of “Adal Azamat” initiated by the Head of State is directly related to age-old dreams of society to establish justice, unity and spirituality.

Unity, in essence, is the core line of state policy and one of the most powerful factors in strengthening national identity.

As the analysis of the concept of unity in the annual Addresses shows, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s approach is based on several key aspects.

1. Unity is the painstaking and systematic work of every citizen of our country.

According to the President of Kazakhstan, every citizen should work to strengthen unity. This must be done tirelessly. After all, life thrives only where there is unity. In this matter, the key role is assigned to the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan (APK). It is no coincidence that the 2022 amendment regarding the transfer of the APK quota from the Mazhilis to the upper house, the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was made.

The head of Kazakhstan called the Assembly a unique structure that serves to strengthen our unity and brings together all the ethnic groups inhabiting the sacred Kazakh land. The President emphasized that the APK played an important role in the political modernization of the country. It contributed to broadening public support for reforms and enhancing the involvement of all ethnic groups in addressing the strategic tasks of state development.

2. National unity and social consent are the foundation for the stable development of a country. Political, economic, and social reforms cannot be implemented without unity and stability within the nation.

It is no coincidence that, in his 2019 Address “Constructive Public Dialogue – the Foundation of Stability and Prosperity of Kazakhstan”, the President emphasized, “The harmony between social and ethnic groups is the result of the joint work of the whole society. Our position: the unity of the nation is in its diversity!” He also cited a statement by the great Abay from his “Words of Edification”: "Unity must be in the minds.”

Further developing the principle of systematization in his approach to this issue, in the 2023 Address, K.K. Tokayev repeatedly stated that Kazakhstan, thanks to its policy of peace and harmony, has managed to become a successful state and achieved significant progress on the international stage.

3. Unity is the foundation for strengthening the economy, which, according to the President, is a key factor in maintaining internal cohesion. He emphasizes the need for economic diversification and the fair distribution of resources so that all citizens of the country can benefit from economic growth.

In the Address titled “Kazakhstan in a New Reality: Time for Action”, the Head of State noted, “Today we are faced with the task of forming a new paradigm for our people’s lives, improving the quality of the entire nation. Only a nation striving forward can demonstrate the achievements of a progressive country on a global scale.”

4. Unity is the key to progress. For any reasonable citizen of the country, the principles declared by K.K. Tokayev are clear: “We need to change our routine life attitudes to ensure a qualitatively new development of our nation. Moreover, new principles and new benchmarks should be adopted in society. Only in this way can we build a competitive state and create an intellectual nation.”

The creation of a sovereign and independent state, with all its successes and challenges yet to be overcome, is also the result of unity focused on constructive outcomes. This was reflected in the 2021 Address, “In unity and harmony, we were able to build a new state: this is our greatest accomplishment. We have strengthened the spirit of the nation by laying a solid foundation for development. We have become an influential member of the global community. Thanks to the stability in our society, we have embarked on the path of sustainable progress. Together, we are building a strong state... Thanks to the unity and constructive labour of the people of Kazakhstan, we have successfully overcome all difficulties and trials.”

5. As a result of the above, the President of Kazakhstan is focused on systemic reforms aimed at strengthening social cohesion and justice in society. This is particularly important for reforming the social system, improving the population’s well-being, especially through the fair distribution of income and support for vulnerable groups.

6. The inviolability of the concept of unity and accord under any circumstances. These principles of the President of Kazakhstan are unwavering and absolutely consistent. Let us recall the Address “New Kazakhstan: Path of Renewal and Modernization” from March 16, 2022: despite its focus on assessing and analyzing the January events, K. Tokayev noted, “It is vitally important for us not to deviate from our goals, to maintain national unity and solidarity... On this path, we, first of all, need unity, common sense and patience, wisdom and endurance. In New Kazakhstan, we must invariably follow the principle of “different views, but one nation.”  

In other words, the key political and socio-economic document of the year, through the seven Addresses delivered by the President of Kazakhstan, carries an important ideological message: unity and accord are the foundation of our framework. Strengthening them must be done through action. As the President emphasized, the most important task of the older generation is to pass on to future generations the invaluable experience of building and preserving peace and harmony, which is the foundation of generational continuity – one of the defining qualities of the people of Kazakhstan.

Deputy Director of the Presidential Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan Botagoz Kaipova

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