Maulen Ashimbaev participated in the IPA CIS events


A meeting of the Council and 51 Plenary Sessions of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States took place online. It was attended by the Chairman of the Senate Maulen Ashimbaev and deputies of the Parliament.

The participants discussed the legislative measures taken by the CIS countries to combat the pandemic, as well as issues of economic cooperation in the Eurasian space and its regulatory support.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the IPA CIS Council was elected.

Considering the great contribution to the development of inter-parliamentary cooperation within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Maulen Ashimbaev, on behalf of the delegation of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, proposed to re-elect Valentina Matvienko to the post of Chairman of the IPA CIS Council. Other participants supported the proposal.

In his speech, Maulen Ashimbayev highly appreciated the work of the organization.

“Today the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly plays an important role in strengthening inter-parliamentary cooperation between our countries. It has become an essential platform for constructive dialogue and interaction at the international level”, said the Speaker of the Senate.

The agenda included the issues of preparation for observation of the elections to the state authorities of the CIS countries next year.

Maulen Ashimbaev informed the participants that on January 10, 2021, elections to the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan and local bodies of representative authority - maslikhats will be held in Kazakhstan. He called on the IPA CIS colleagues to assign their representatives as observers.

The Speaker of the Senate noted that recently in Kazakhstan, at the instruction of the Head of State, significant transformations have been carried out in the political sphere.

“They allow, in particular, to ensure a greater representation of various social groups in the elected bodies of the country. Thus, a thirty percent quota was introduced in party lists for women and youth. This will ensure greater participation of representatives of the younger generation and women in the activities of the Parliament and Maslikhats”, added Maulen Ashimbaev.

The Chairman of the Senate also presented the new institution of parliamentary opposition in Kazakhstan.

“On the initiative of the President of the country, the institution of the parliamentary opposition is legislatively enshrined. Opposition parties that entered the Mazhilis are guaranteed the right to hold leading positions in the committees. This refers to the posts of the chairman of one of the committees and the secretaries of two standing committees of the Mazhilis. The parliamentary opposition will have the opportunity to initiate parliamentary hearings, introduce alternative draft laws and form the agenda of the government hour in the Mazhilis”, Maulen Ashimbayev said.

On the same day, the fifty-first plenary session of the IPA CIS was held, where the parliamentarians of the participating countries considered the draft Convention on the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Sites of the CIS Member States, as well as a number of model codes and laws.

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