The fair offered 3 300 jobs


The Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University hosted a national job fair, «Young Specialist». About 600 graduate students and more than 100 employers attended the event, - reports Delovoy Kazakhstan.

Qyzdar Ýnıversıteti

The fair, organized under the auspices of Women's University, is designed for employment of graduates of pedagogical specialties.

The event is designed to help young people determine which fields of education are most in demand or in short supply today and whether it is possible to get a job without work experience. In addition, the fair will make it possible to implement the plan "with diploma to work.

The meeting, which was attended by employees of higher and specialized secondary educational institutions, city and district departments and departments of education, general educational organizations and Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, was opened by Erkin Zhumankulova, vice-rector for educational and methodical work of Kazakh National Teacher Training University, who detailed the importance and significance of the event on employment of graduates of teacher training institutions.

– The fair is held in order to form a unified Kazakhstani educational space of domestic pedagogical universities, create a common dialogue platform on youth employment, inform them about employment opportunities and assist in the employment of graduates. In his address "Growth of welfare of Kazakhstani people: increase of income and quality of life" the Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev noticed that the main criterion of evaluation of the success of the university is the employment of graduates, employment on high-paid job. In this connection, the job fair for pedagogical specialties is the mechanism of optimal solution of the problem of youth unemployment, – said Yerkin Zhumankulova.

Ms. Karlygash Akmurzaeva, the head of the Education Department of Alatau District of Almaty, Ms. Zhanyl Suleimenova, Deputy Head of the Education Department of Almaty Region, Mr. Kurmangazy Kalykul, HR Manager of the Human Development Department of Turkestan Region, Ms. Zhanna Abdrakhmanova, Administrative Manager of the West Kazakhstan Regional Department of Education and other heads of educational organizations also participated online, discussing topical issues concerning young people.

Employers presented vacancies in their institutions at the fair. Students sent their resumes using this opportunity.

According to the Department of Pre-University Education and Careers, the fair was organized for selected areas of training in pedagogical, humanities, science and art education.

According to statistics, 1,619 students graduated from the university last academic year, and 94 percent of them were employed. Moreover, in 2019, the proportion of "those who took one shovel in both hands" will be 91 percent.

– Organization of job fairs is important not only for young specialists but also for employers – young people will have an opportunity to learn about vacancies they are interested in and for us to evaluate business qualities of graduates, – say the heads of educational institutions.

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