Kazakh Embassy in Germany Holds New Round of Talks with German Business Community



As per established tradition, the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Germany has held an online meeting with German businesses on the topic: “Financial Instruments in Kazakh Business – Opportunities for German Companies”. The event was jointly organized with the Kazakh Invest national company and the support of the German Eastern Business Association and Delegation of German Economy for Central Asia, based in Almaty. The online meeting gathered over 90 representatives of German companies and the business sector from various spheres of the economy and financial sector. Among them were top managers from the world’s leading companies in their respective fields, such as Baumüller Gruppe, Flottweg, Junker Gruppe, Gigaset, Deutsche Bahn, SAP, John Deere Walldorf, and others, Delovoy Kazakhstan reports.

Statements on behalf of the Kazakh side were delivered by Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to Germany Dauren Karipov, Deputy CEO of “Baiterek” National Managing Holding” JSC Rustam Karagoishin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Kazakhstan Investment Development Fund Zhussup Yeralin, and the Head of AIFC “Business Connect” Temirlan Mukhanbetzhanov. The German speakers included Commerzbank AG Regional Director for Financial Institutes and the CIS, Hans Kron, Director for Underwriting and Risk Management at Euler Hermes AG, Tomas Baum, as well as the Head of the Deutsche Bank AG representative office in Kazakhstan Igor Wagner.


Participants discussed state support measures for investment projects in Kazakhstan, including through joint investment with foreign partners and the provision of investment preferences, issues pertaining to the functioning of Kazakhstan’s financial system and the program of state insurance for export loans from the Federal Government of Germany. Particular attention during the online meeting was paid to the activities of Baiterek NMH JSC and the Astana International Financial Center in support of business and project activities with the help of financial and non-financial instruments.


The meeting concluded with a discussion, during which German participants received information about pertinent topics. Representatives of the German business community remarked highly on the readiness of Kazakh government bodies to conduct open dialogue and jointly seek solutions.


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