Won an international competition


Asel Akhmetzhanova, a student at the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, won second place in the International Contest of Young Designers, reports Delovoy Kazakhstan.

Creative competition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan was held in Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov.

Creative works of teachers and students of higher and specialized secondary educational institutions of Kazakhstan, Russia, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan were submitted to the contest.

According to the organizers, 116 works were submitted for the contest. The works of the participants were evaluated and selected in the categories of "artistic textile", "graphic design", "Exlibris and graphics", "fashion and accessories".

A jury of well-known experts from England, Argentina, USA, Israel, Poland, Italy and Greece analyzed the works of young designers.

According to the results of the contest, the collection of clothes "AiBi" by Asel Akhmetzhanova, representing women's university, was highly appreciated and considered worthy of second place.

The main feature of the collection is the emphasis on the national style.

The collection was prepared in the creative center "World of Fashion" at an educational institution.

The center works on development of students' creativity, disclosure of talents and opportunities of young designers. In addition, here are such works as modeling, cutting and sewing of clothes.

Samples of clothes and collections made in the center were presented at international and national exhibitions and received high praise from experts.

- Since its creation, the center pays special attention to the creative and professional development of students. Students will have a possibility to be acquainted with subtleties of sewing unusual clothes models in national and modern styles as well as practice to sharpen their theoretical knowledge. There will also be lectures for students on the disciplines "Matatanu", processing of materials and «Technology of sewing products», - said the head of the Center, a senior lecturer at Women's University Uljan Begeshova.

The results achieved so far are not insignificant. Students' works were highly evaluated at international, national fashion contests and became the best. Teachers of the university intend to increase their professional skills by introducing future specialists to the manufacture of arts and crafts. The center sews several pieces of clothing per month. Young masters pay special attention to the uniqueness of their collections. It has become a tradition to organize an annual exhibition of creative works to present bright works to the public.

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