Representatives of JSC «Center for International Programs» visited Women's University


President of JSC Center for International Programs Aynur Karibozova made a special visit to the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, reports Delovoy Kazakhstan.

The visit included a briefing on «Bolashak: New Opportunities» and a meeting with the staff and young scientists of the institution.

How is the Bolashak scholarship awarded? How is the competitive selection?" such questions were answered exhaustively. In addition, important information about scientific internships for master's and doctoral studies in leading universities and research centers of the world was announced.

Gulmira Qanay, Women’s University Rector and Chair of the Board, who spoke about the meaning and significance of the meeting, opened the briefing.

The «Bolashak» program is a brand of Kazakhstan. For 30 years, the Bolashak Scholarship, which supports the country's talented youth, has become an internationally recognized Kazakhstani brand. During these years, thousands of young people were educated abroad and became modern specialists. Today, "Bolashak" graduates successfully implement hundreds of scientific developments and major projects in education, healthcare, culture, science and technology, said Gulmira Qanay.          


In turn, the president of JSC "Center for International Programs" Aynur Karibozova told about the amount of scholarships allocated under the program "Bolashak" this year, the news of the competitive selection.

May 4 of this year began accepting documents for the competitive selection for the international scholarship "Bolashak", appointed by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan –Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev. The Bolashak program provides training of personnel and specialists for priority sectors of the country's economy. Currently, the program includes academic training (master's, doctoral, residency), as well as research and internships in leading universities and companies of the world, said Aynur Bagdatovna.

Note that in 2021, 1,055 scholarships have been allocated for the Bolashak program. Of these, 385 scholarships are allocated to graduate programs. 60 scholarships are distributed on doctoral and residency programs. There are also 110 scholarships available for pedagogical and civil servants, public health workers and engineers.

According to Ainur Karibozova, this year 500 scholarships will be available for Kazakhstani scientists to undertake internships in the world's leading research centers. Scholarship candidates are offered 80 specialties for academic training and 137 specialties for internships.

The head of the Center for International Programs also reported on the competitive selection process.

- The competitive selection for 2021 will take place in 3 streams. The first course will take place in June - for candidates whose training will begin in August. The second round will take place in August - for candidates whose training will begin in late September - early October. The third round will take place in November - for candidates whose training will begin in January, March and summer 2022. At the beginning of the training period, each candidate must apply by the deadline listed in the table in order to be included in the appropriate competitive selection process. Applications will be accepted from May 4 to October 28,- Ainur Karibozova reported.

At the end of the meeting, university staff and students sent questions to representatives of the Center for International Programs and received specific answers.

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