Women's University student becomes winner of educational contest


Asel Akhmetzhanova, a second-year student of the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, won second place in the Republican Subject Olympiad, reports Delovoy Kazakhstan.

Students of Kazakh universities, studying in the field of fashion and costume design, attended the educational competition, held at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov.

The aim of the Olympiad was to identify talented young people, development of creative abilities through their involvement in the art.

The competition of knowledge and skills was held in several stages. As a result, the jury highly appreciated the performance of a student of Women's University her work was considered worthy of second place.

It should be noted that Asel Akhmetzhanova is studying on specialty «Vocational training». Ulzhan Begeshova, senior lecturer at the Department of Professional Training, prepared the talented student for the Olympiad.

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