Kazakhstan - Mongolia: cooperation in attracting investment


With the assistance of the Embassy, ​​on April 23, 2021, an online meeting was held between Ambassador Zh.Adilbayev, Director of the Department for Attracting Investments and Marketing of the Joint Stock Company "National Company Kazakh Invest" Zh.Temirgali and Deputy Chairman for Foreign Investment and Multilateral Cooperation of the Executive Agency of the Government of Mongolia - National Development Agency B.Bulganchimeg on the development of cooperation in the field of investment policy and attracting investments, Delovoy Kazakhstan reports.

The parties mutually familiarized themselves with the main directions of the investment policy of their governments, the structure of the bodies for attracting investments and the main directions of work, as well as the investment projects currently being implemented.


The parties reached an agreement on the organization of various joint investment events between “NC Kazakh Invest” JSC and the National Development Agency of Mongolia within the framework of high-level mutual visits planned in the future, and also agreed to exchange information on investment projects.

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